National Assembly passes Petroleum (Amendment) Bill 2022

ISLAMABAD, Dec 12 (APP):The National Assembly (NA) on Monday unanimously approved the passage of The Petroleum (Amendment) Bill 2022 to stop illegal sale of petroleum products.

Moved by Parliamentary Secretary for Petroleum, Chaudhry Hamid Hameed, the House passed after taking clause by clause. With an amendment the illegal imports, transports, stores , sales produce, refine or blends any petroleum has been made punishable besides extending fine up to Rs 5 million.

According to statement of objects and reasons, the amendment has substituted the word “Federal Government with appropriate authority as per the cabinet direction in light of the definition of “Federal Government by Supreme Court decision vide PLD, 2016.

Revised the fee structure as per the directions of ‘Lahore High Court
dated 07 -07 -2017.

A new sub-section has been added to create provision for punishment for those responsible for accidents in which loss of human life or serious injury to persons occur.

Inserted the word “Sale’! in certain Sections of the Act as per the comparative list to stop illegal sale of Petroleum Products.

Petroleum Products have been classified as per the international standards.

The definition of ‘Sale”, “OMC” and’ Dealer are added to avoid confusion. The term “Gallon ” and ‘Fahrenheit” in certain sections
have been replaced with the terms “Liter” and “Centigrade’ respectively as per the international standards.

Inserted the list of authorized testing officers with respect to their expertise. A new sub-section has been added to create
provision for punishment of those responsible for accidents in which loss of human life or serious injury to persons occur.

The concept of “Magistrate’ has been substituted with “Judicial Magistrate” and “Deputy Commissioner in Section 25 and 27 of the Act, respectively to fulfil the core purpose of these sections and to avoid confusion.