Jazz advances its infrastructure with State-of-the-Art 400G IP-based RAN access optical network

ISLAMABAD, Oct 31 (APP): Jazz, Pakistan’s premier digital operator and part of the VEON Group, once again leads the Pakistani telecom industry by deploying a 400G IP-based RAN Access Optical Network in partnership with Huawei Pakistan, making a significant step forward towards technology infrastructure enhancement in the country.

Staying abreast with the cutting-edge of global trends, Jazz has deployed a “Best in class” 400G capable IP-based RAN (Radio Access Network) data platform, designed to support 4.9G/Massive MIMO capacities over wide areas and further support digitalization efforts said a news release.

This breakthrough technology provides unparalleled bandwidth, reduced latency, and increased reliability, addressing the rapidly growing demand for high-speed data connectivity in a dynamic digital landscape covering both cellular and business needs.

“At Jazz, we are committed to continuously enhancing our infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of our customers and power the future of connectivity in Pakistan. This deployment of 400G IP-based RAN Access Optical Network is a milestone that brings us closer to our ServiceCo ambition by delivering seamless, high-speed connectivity across diverse digital landscapes. By introducing this cutting-edge optical technology in our access transport, we are not only enhancing capacity and reliability for today’s demands but also paving the way for next-generation innovations like IoT, Smart Cities, and other immersive experiences that will define Pakistan’s digital future,” said CTO of Jazz, Khalid Shehzad.

As global connectivity demand increases, service providers face evolving challenges in upgrading needed access optical infrastructure to meet the requirements of next-generation services.

The growth of verticals such as IoT, AR/VR, Smart cities and Homes, Cloud Gaming, and Remote Monitoring services; to name a few, opens the door to new opportunities as well as challenges for service providers and end users alike.

Jazz has underscored its commitment to serving its customers through this vast and varied landscape by already deploying the 800G technology in the metro aggregation network and 400G using C+L bands in the long-haul backbone network.

With the introduction of 400G optical technology in access transport (IPRAN), Jazz unlocks end-to-end high-capacity provisioning and eases integration with existing networks while establishing a robust foundation for future growth.