AC conducts crackdown against Dengue violators in Secretariat Subdivision

ISLAMABAD, Sep 03 (APP): In a bid to curb the spread of dengue, the Assistant Commissioner Secretariat conducted a surprise inspection of various locations in the Secretariat Sub-Division here Sunday.

The inspection team sealed four factories, stores, and dustbins for violating dengue SOPs, while the managers were taken into custody, while other infringers were fined and warned, ICT Spokesman said.

The AC Secretariat, Syed Faizan Ali, led the inspection team, which comprised of officials from the health department, the municipal corporation, and the police. The team inspected workshops, tyre stores, nurseries, dustbins, and other facilities.

The inspection team found that four factories were not following the dengue SOPs. The factories were storing water in open containers, which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

The team also found that the tyre stores were not disposing of used tyres properly. The used tyres can also collect water and become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

AC also ordered the factories and tyre stores to be sealed immediately. The managers of the factories and stores were also taken into custody.

The inspection team fined several other violators of the dengue SOPs. The team also warned them to comply with the SOPs in the future.

The inspection was part of the government’s efforts to curb the spread of dengue. He said that the government would not tolerate any violations of the dengue SOPs, he added.

He urged the people to cooperate with the government’s efforts to control dengue. He said that the people should keep their surroundings clean and should not allow water to collect in any containers.

The Assistant Commissioner Secretariat’s crackdown on dengue violations is a welcome move.

It is important to take all necessary measures to prevent the spread of dengue, especially during the monsoon season.

The government’s efforts to control dengue will be successful only if the people cooperate he added.